5 PR Tips To Get Invited On A Podcast

Do you want to get featured on podcasts, but don't know where to start? …I got you!

Do you ever crave the opportunity to chat with podcast hosts, but don't know how to get invited on their shows? …Do you ever hear an episode and think “wow, I could totally contribute to that conversation”? Well, I'm sooo excited that you're here – because I'm sharing 5 hot tips that I personally use to get my clients featured on MAJOR wellness & lifestyle podcasts below. You ready? 



1. Figure out what you want to discuss – Get really clear on the story, mission, or topic that you'd like to share.


2. Streamline your topic – Make sure that you're able to discuss your topic in a clear and concise way. I often suggest that my clients practice in front of a mirror (it's silly, but it works!!)


3. Align all branding with this message – I say this because many business owners don't realize how much PR has to do with branding!! But that's okay, we're all learning here~ For example: if a major part of your mission is reprograming your clients' limiting beliefs around money - make sure that your website, Instagram, & other socials platforms reflect that before approaching podcast hosts.


4. Research & list – Now it's time to find the podcasts that you'd like to be featured on, and build 👏your 👏 list 👏, however, first, make sure your message aligns with their listeners. You don't want to receive a response like “we don't talk about manifestation on this show”…super awk.


5. Have interview samples on-hand – Some shows like to hear you speak before inviting you on their show. If they request an interview sample, I always suggest sending one of the following: a link to a previous show where you were a guest, link to a seminar or video like a TEDx, radio samples, etc.


PR Launch Strategy Case Study: Mel Robbins


A Little Reminder: Silenzio Bruno!