The Best Kept Secret Reporters & Producers Don't Want You to Know

Publicists are the masterminds behind the articles that you read and podcast episodes that you download. SAY WHAT!?..

That's right! Publicists ARE the main idea drivers behind your favorite articles and podcast episodes! And what does this mean for us, you ask? This means that we have the ability to control what is being said about us in the media! We have control over the aspects of ourselves that we want to highlight, the topics that we want to discuss, etc., when reaching out to our favorite publications, blogs, and podcasts for coverage.

Can't believe it? Yeah, me either when I first got into PR. However, this is TRULY the best kept secret for entrepreneurs, because we can utilize the below skills to gain the exact types of features that we want to achieve for our business!

For example, say that I owned a soap business and for this holiday season I created a gift sets. My main goal for December/January is to get into holiday gift guides at my favorite publications like Real Simple, MindBodyGreen, etc. What I could do, is “pitch,” or email, writers an exact article idea that I want to be featured in, such as - “The Best Holiday Sets for Mom this Winter Season.” AND if the writer likes my idea, then they'll most likely put the brand in an article featuring the best holiday gifts for moms! Simple, Effective, and Fun. Want to try it yourself? ….First, 

IMPORTANT: Tips to follow when reaching out to media contacts

1. UNDERSTAND Editorial & Show Calendars

Most reporters schedule their features wayyyyy in advance of the post date. Do some research on when it is appropriate to pitch your feature concept.

2. KNOW Your (and their) Audience

It is very important that we reach out to the correct person, whether it be a writer or producer. Make sure that whatever topic you're pitching, it is a perfect fit for their content. I can't be pitching holiday soaps to a home decor writer….get it?

3. RESPECT When to quit it

Reporters, writers, and producers are very busy. They may not get a chance to respond to your email and if they do, we must be respectful of their time. With this being said, 2 - 3 follow-ups is appropriate. And if they respond saying that they aren't interested in your idea for coverage, we need to say thanks and walk away! 

Applies these tips and watch your inbox transform


A Little Reminder: Silenzio Bruno!